Wellness: Personal ... Social ... Global

I help people learn to thrive in every domain of well-being.

Wellness isn't just about success, or even happiness. While wealth, status, and pleasure are sweet rewards, their fulfillment doesn't last, and chasing them can be a draining hedonic treadmill. True thriving, and deep, lasting fulfillment are found at the union of multiple domains of proactive, holistic wellness.

Wellness Coaching

Get compassionate, expert guidance to discover a depth of flourishing that benefits you and everyone in your life. Choose either 5 sessions (suitable for most people to start thriving) or 10 sessions (for deeper and broader well-being) and then book your first session. Write to me with questions or if you'd like a free consultation. Find out more about coaching with me.

Wellness Workshops

Find out everything you need to know about arranging a wellness learning experience or presentation for you, your organization, or group.  

Well-Being Resources

Explore a treasure trove of powerful, research-based approaches to flourish in wellness, all from the book Flourishing Classrooms (a comprehensive approach to wellness for education and beyond). Expand your well-being in the realms of positive psychology, eudaimonia, flow/optimal experience, and mindfulness. Examples:

Alove Series ~ A Season of Wellness

Thrive and flourish in this series of wellness workshops that cultivate healing, presence, connection, flow, and love in your life. Explore mindfulness, self-directed neuroplasticity, and positive psychology to rewire your mind and open your heart. Engage in solo, dyad, and group activities with personalized "lifeplay", resources, and coaching between sessions. Click here for more details, or to express interest.

"Being with the group was a great gift to myself. The sharing and learning with others was beautifully led." - Jane

"You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop." ~ Rumi

"A breath of fresh air and a safe circle to share and practice within ... I loved learning how to love and care for myself.” - Bren"I owe new joys in my life, and the abounding progress I am making, to Jeff. I am the new me!" - Rosa